Sheringham & District Branch

Branch Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month in The Tyneside at 7:30pm, unless it is a Bank Holiday and then they are on the second Monday. 

There is no meeting in August

All Members attending the meetings must be Members of The Tyneside Club. 

You can join on arrival at a cost of 5.00 for over 65 years and 8.00 for adults.


2024 Meeting Dates
Monday 2nd September 7.30pm
Monday 7th October 7.30pm
Monday 4th November 7.30pm - AGM
Monday 2nd December 7.30pm – possible Social


Branch Officials

For health reasons Val Callaghan has stepped down as our Chairman.  We would like to thank her most sincerely for all the works she has done ove many years with the Branch and wish her a speedy recovery.

President Vacant  
Chairman Karl Smith Sheringham.Chairman@RBL.Community
Vice Chairman    
Hon. Secretary Melanie Clarke
Hon. Treasurer Paul Clarke
Standard Bearer Alexander Ernest Nott
Deputy Standard Bearer Duncan Scott  
Poppy Organisers Jane Blake